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Yoann Gourcuff (2)

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Евгения написал(а):

и еще много всего)
ты знаешь)




Penelope написал(а):

Йоанн заехал игроку ЮАР локтем в лицо или в шею, точно не помню.

мдяяяя чет судья ваще лох какой то походу был.....да такое через матч встречается и не удаляют за такое  http://s48.radikal.ru/i120/0809/08/2983a2d37a67.gif очень жаль конешно что они едут домой....может еще пришли бы в норму)))поборолись бы за кубок))))))



La gitana написал(а):

может еще пришли бы в норму)))поборолись бы за кубок))))))

Нет, слишком все запущено... Нужны серьезные изменения в команде, такие, как смена тренера и изменение состава



Обнимашки,может все это слухи....



Евгения написал(а):

Обнимашки,может все это слухи....

Вряд ли... Эти фотки раньше сделаны, а его проблемы в сборной начались уже на ЧМ, насколько я понимаю...



Такой несчастный  http://s56.radikal.ru/i153/0907/06/41d25caf3091.gif  http://s56.radikal.ru/i153/0907/06/41d25caf3091.gif  http://s56.radikal.ru/i153/0907/06/41d25caf3091.gif

Прилетели в Париж....

Много вещей с собой возит)))

Отредактировано Penelope (25-06-2010 12:58:49)



Эвра обещал рассказать всю правду....
ну что ж,ждем)



Евгения написал(а):

Эвра обещал рассказать всю правду....
ну что ж,ждем)

Если это действительно будет правда  http://s48.radikal.ru/i120/0809/08/2983a2d37a67.gif






Ну и лица)))






Какой красивый загар  http://s60.radikal.ru/i167/0809/e2/58c2aef7517e.gif



Прочитала, что в 2006 г. Йоанн выплатил какому-то парню 2000 евро за то, что во время драки на дискотеке нанес ему повреждение  http://pohudeem.msk.ru/pohudeem/images/smiles/super_smilies046.gif



Ему не дали покрывало!  http://s40.radikal.ru/i089/0809/59/da2f871b93c6.gif













de l’Equipe:

The problems and friction in the French team are down to a split over one man: Yoann Gourcuff.

Gourcuff comes from a privileged family. He is smart and he is respectful - but he is also still a shy little boy. In his spare time he listens to music, watches films and plays his video game systems. He is, in his own words, a little nerdy.

In a French squad that places more value on how much money you have in your bank account, and what girl is on your arm, Gourcuff doesn’t fit.

One incident occurred shortly before the World Cup. Franck Ribery and Sidney Govou had organised a night out at well known gentleman’s club in Paris. Several players, including Gourcuff decided to stay home. When Ribery heard about this he immediately confronted Gourcuff and asked ‘does your mother not allow you to go, you homosexual slur’

This is one of many incidents.



Penelope написал(а):

When Ribery heard about this he immediately confronted Gourcuff and asked ‘does your mother not allow you to go, you homosexual slur’

http://s40.radikal.ru/i089/0809/59/da2f871b93c6.gif  http://s40.radikal.ru/i089/0809/59/da2f871b93c6.gif  http://s40.radikal.ru/i089/0809/59/da2f871b93c6.gif
Нет слов.









Penelope написал(а):

you homosexual slur’

да уж.
черная зависть.



Penelope написал(а):

He is, in his own words, a little nerdy.

что означает последнее слово)или словосочетание?)



Евгения написал(а):

что означает последнее слово)

зануда  http://s46.radikal.ru/i113/0809/da/ab6b7e43c2be.gif



Трио: "Лион" интересовался возможностью приобретения Гуркюффа

Президент "Бордо" Жан-Луи Трио заявил, что "Лион" интересовался возможностью приобретения 23-летнего полузащитника Йоанна Гуркюффа.

"Представитель "Лиона" выходил с нами на связь по этому вопросу. Однако никакого конкретного предложения не было. В любом случае должен отметить, что данная перспектива нас не привлекает, мы не собираемся продавать Гуркюффа", - рассказал Трио в интервью 20 minutes.

В прошлом сезоне чемпионата Франции Гуркюфф провёл в составе "Бордо" 29 матчей и забил шесть голов.



What if the homophobia of some players played a role in the chaotic route of Les Bleus and the obnoxious atmosphere that reigned within the group during this World cup 2010? It's the opinion of several well informed sport journalists.

Yesterday, on July 6th Tuesday, Pierre Ménès, the famous sport editor made the promotion of his new book "Red card for Les Bleus" at the microphone of France Info in Philippe Vandel's show and shared his analysis on the route of the French team in South Africa. Extracts:

Philippe Vandel: you have full of friends among the players. What did they tell you on the phone that can be said here?
Pierre Ménès: that those who talked (to the press) lied. That the atmosphere was awful. That the treatment that Yoann Gourcuff received is rather close to racism, even to homophobia, which is rather surprising for a guy who is not gay. It’s already unbearable when you’re gay, but when you’re not, it is even more incomprehensible. That there was a total divorce between Domenech and the team. There are players who are very very traumatized.
PV: why does it not go out (in the press)? Why do we only hear the clan of the leaders speak?
PM: I think that Gourcuff, with his media communication grew out on a positive note of this World Cup so he should remain silent because the future belongs to him.

A few days earlier, on June 22nd, Christophe Hondelatte already talked about this supposed homophobia whose Gourcuff would have been victim of within the French team on RTL in a daily show. In an interview with the former player Vikash Dhorasoo, he let hear in a more or less explicit way what he seemed to know:

Vikash Dhorasoo: players exclude him [Yoann Gourcuff] because he’s different.
Christophe Hondelatte: (…) When you say that he’s a little bit different, when we’re elegant we say "that he’s not married ", do you think it’s possible it played a major role in his relationship with the rest of the group?
VD:  yes. There is far too much difference by him. He is beautiful, he is white, he is certainly not a Muslim, he plays very well, he speaks about football very well, his father is a coach …
HP: and he doesn’t tell the next day how many girls he banged the day before right ?
VD: I don’t know. I won’t go as far, but he still has a lot of differences and maybe that posed a problem.

After this interview, a Facebook group named  «against homophobia in the french football team » was created whose description is « Yoann Gourcuff, homosexual ? Maybe ! A victim of homophobia ? Without a doubt !».

" The French football team put us to shame. Not because of the defeat. But on a moral level", writes the anonymous administrator of this group. " One of the most talented football player  of its generation was the object of repeated intimidations on part of his team-mates (…) Numerous press articles stated raggings imposed on Yoann Gourcuff within the French football team. Most of the journalists  didn’t  give the reasons (…) It seems that Yoann Gourcuff is supposed to be - rightly or wrongly – an homosexual, and that it poses a severe problem to some of his team-mates. If these assertions are true, the fate reserved to Yoann Gourcuff is scary : not only the football player would be a victim of the intolerance of his colleagues, but the rules of the environment where he evolves would make him a silent victim."

A lot of blogs have their own interpretation and the suspicion of homophobia begins to have weight on this French team.
And considering these last suspicions, we can only think about some statements pronounced during these last weeks and find a new interpretation there completed by this news.

We think again in particular about Christian Gourcuff, Yoann's father and coach of the team of Lorient: " in the French team, in the case of Yoann, that exceeds the frame of football ", he declared, without more explanation, in an interview to the site 10 Sport.

But also to Roselyne Bachelot, Minister of Health and Sports, who declared to the National Assembly, on June 22nd of this year: " I can only notice the disaster with a team of immature bosses who command frightened kids,a distraught coach without any authority (…) ".

Or to Bixente Lizarazu, on June 19th, in his chronicle on RTL: " Yoann Gourcuff is a little bit the symbol of the scapegoat in this team. He was a victim of the bosses of this French team, or in any case of some players, the important players who have more influence and who, in my opinion, brought him out of the team, for bad reasons.
He reminds me of this kid at school who is too much of a good pupil, at whom we are going to laugh at, all the time. And , I regret that (…) I think he has a very good mentality, I think he’s intelligent and I am interested to see what Laurent Blanc is going to make of him in the future French team. We’ll be able to compare then, because it is necessary to protect him, like Zinedine Zidane has been protected. When Zinedine Zidane arrived, he was as shy as Yoann Gourcuff ".

Contacted by Yagg, the agent and lawyer of Gourcuff didn’t want to answer our questions. The question isn’t to know if Yoann Gourcuff is a homosexual.
One can indeed be heterosexual and be called a "fag", because they don’t correspond to a certain code of "virility/masculinity" of a group, because they’re too shy or too well educated. It’s still remains homophobia and ignorance. It ‘s obviously not a way of trying to know the sexual orientation of the player, but only to wonder about these more and more insistent rumours which pointed the finger on some comments or homophobic behaviors from some of his team-mates, two or three of them in particular.

The rest of the article sums up all the initiatives in the fight against homophobia in sport.



Penelope написал(а):

It seems that Yoann Gourcuff is supposed to be - rightly or wrongly – an homosexual

Об этом так много пишут...............................................................



Penelope написал(а):

Об этом так много пишут...............................................................

ща новый сезон начнется-перестанут)
во Франции Гуркюфф №1,кого же еще обсуждать)))))))



Евгения написал(а):

во Франции Гуркюфф №1,кого же еще обсуждать)))))))

Я уже бояться начала, вдруг чего... Но нет, это невозможно!!!



Penelope написал(а):

Я уже бояться начала, вдруг чего... Но нет, это невозможно!!!

Ну он не грубый мужлан,как большинство из сборной,а очень скромный и милый парень)
Все эти манипуляции из зависти,это очевидно)Главное,чтобы он близко к сердцу все это не принимал)